
Friday 28 September 2018

How to make a quality blog comment

Today everyone made a animation on how to make a quality blog comment we looked at some examples and tried to do something similar mine is about a bride who thinks he can't make a comment the another bride comes and helps hem make a quality comment with helpful thoughtful and positive because every quality blog comment has to have thoughtful positive and helpful.

Friday 14 September 2018

calendar art

for calendar art  this week we have learnt to blend colors with paint. really enjoy painting but I found it diffcued to get crisp lines.
first we sretch on outline. then we started at the top and woke down.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

our first sessione

In Miss g reading research group we are learning how to make reading fun. tToday we identified our reading interests and set tow reading goals.

Today we looked at how our peer interaction influenced our reading. We read Sophiai's Big Wedding with a buddy and used a sticky note to write down the words we were unsure of.
On my sticky note I wrote anxiously emmanuele. I found this experience fun because I got to read with a buddy.

Today we wrapped up our sessions with Miss Goslin. We finished our flip/comic books that we had based off an audio book that we had read earlier in the sessions. We also discussed what we enjoyed the most in the sessions and how this helped our reading.

my favourite activity was making a comic book because i have it made  one before.